kafka trouble shootingdev/kafka 2021. 9. 16. 10:32
- Zookeeper: java.io.IOException: No snapshot found, but there are log entries. Something is broken
Zookeeper: java.io.IOException: No snapshot found, but there are log entries. Something is broken
I have been working with Kafka 2.4.0 (2.11) and yesterday I had to forcefully terminate the process for some unknown reason. Since then I haven't been unable to start Zookeeper due to the following...
kafka/config/zookeeper.properties 파일의 dataDir 설정에 지정된 폴더(기본 /tmp/zookeeper) 를 삭제
rm -rf /tmp/zookeeper
Kafka Broker doesn't find cluster id and creates new one after docker restart
Kafka Broker doesn't find cluster id and creates new one after docker restart
I've created docker with kafka broker and zookeeper to start it with run script. If I do fresh start it starts normally and runs ok (Windows -> WSL -> two tmux windows, one session). If I shut down...
kafka/config/server.properties 파일의 log.dirs 설정에 지정된 폴더(기본 /tmp/kafka-logs) 에 있는 meta.properties 파일을 삭제/이름 변경
mv /tmp/kafka-logs/meta.properties /tmp/kafka-logs/meta.properties_old